The purpose of personalised assessments is formative: to help learners progress, through understanding what they can do, the things they need to work on, and their next steps.
The assessments are taken online for reading, numeracy procedural and numeracy reasoning and are adaptive, i.e. the questions are selected based on the learner’s response to the previous question. If a learner answers a question incorrectly, they will get an easier question; if a learner answers a question correctly, they will get a more challenging question. This provides an individual assessment experience and tailors the level of challenge for every learner.
The information from the personalised assessments (including individual learner feedback and progress, and group reports) will add to what teachers know about their learners’ reading and numeracy from their work every day in the classroom and help them to plan their learners’ next steps.
The personalised assessment feedback is shared with learners and parents / carers.
Further information can be found here.