Our qualification offer at Brynllywarch is reviewed on an annual basis. In order to cater for the needs of all learners and their differing aspirations and interests, we work with a range of examining bodies to provide a balance of vocational and academic qualifications.
Working with ASDAN we are currently offering life skill based courses up to level 2.
In order to meet the needs and aspirations of our learners, a range of BTEC qualifications are currently offered at Brynllywarch ranging from entry level to level 2. Below is an example of some of the BTEC qualifications that have been offered to learners (this is not an exhaustive list).
Entry Level 3 / Level 1: Applied Science, Home Cooking Skills, Landbased Studies, Performing Arts, Safe Road Skills and Attitudes, Sport, Workskills, Construction, Vocational, BTEC Sweet.
Level 2: Horse Care, Home Cooking Skills, Agriculture, BTEC Sweet.
Entry Level: English, Mathematics and Science.
Entry Pathways: Mathematics and Science.
GCSE: Mathematics, English Language and Applied Science.
Welsh Baccalaureate
Essential Skills Wales: Application of Number, Communication and Digital Literacy Skills (Entry Level – level 2).
Further information can be found here.
Lessons in Financial Education (LiFE) Level 1 Award / Certificate
Lessons in Financial Education (LiFE) Level 2 Award / Certificate
Further information can be found here.
Further information can be found here.
Further information can be found here.